Monday, June 16, 2008

Izzi is not eazy at all!!!

I is beary beh song with Izzi!! I is applied two weeks before cause I is want to try if it's be fast. I is try, the first day is be fast and fast I is use it be happily. then the second day, is be beary slower and slowest! I is thoughts gives it a chans so I is try the thirds day, is be fast again, so I is happy happy using. Then the fourth day I is not at home so I is cannot try. Then the fifth be day, it's be not consistent but still be accepts. Then the six day I is want to do things urgents and sends be the file, then the line is be cannots! So I is be frustrating then want is be return. And when I return, they is say charge me 180 cause I is downloads more than 3MB!! WAH!!! What is this!?!? Is they out of they mind?!? I is really not be satisfy. They is say can give me 7 days free trials and can be refund me back all my money but now they is wanna charge me money!! How is be can?!?

I is gives you one examples, if first day the line is goods cause they is purposely gives me good good, so you surfs and downloads be happily lor, then the second day it's be not good, so you wanto return, then that people says you is be downloads more than 3MB and want to charge you, you is boh song right?!?!

Where is can be like that wan?!?!

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