Monday, December 5, 2016

I is MuGen AhBengKia - Episode 1

One day, I is be walking in the street, looking for the bestest kopi-o that I is likes so much. I is not remembers where is it., so I is tries using my GPS. I is tries to find but the place is too ruler, cannot licate, so I is to be tries my bestest to find it. Lessons be today, not all the times latest tech can helps you. After turning into a alley, I is remembers where is it! It's be in front! I quickly walk towards it then i heard a loud shouting from far far. I turn my head towards it, and I saw a group of peoples in black chasing a person in yellow. They is runs fast! Towards me! Then the person being chased looks like another ahbeng like me! I taught I is be looking at mirrors. And I banged on me...i is mean HE bang on me. Both of us fall to the grounds. And the peoples in black surrounds us. The persons banged on me says to me help...and then he got to sleep! Hey! I is still don't know what happens. The peoples who chases him got confusing because got two face same. I is confusing too. But I pretends I is be good, I is strong because I has MuGen powers. That's why my English names is MuGen, MuGen AhBengKia. The peoples in black surrounds me looks like want to fights me. I is not scared. Because Bruce Lee is be my sifu. I is always learns from him when I watch his DVD. I is also knows his 3 inches punches, if you don't believe you can watch my youtube video. I is got show. If you want me to teaches you, call my numbers..,waits, lets me be fights them first. I stands up and open my legs and starts to jump a bit. Then one of them come and punch me, and I Kacha!! He is be down...they be got scared. Then two is coming, one front one back. I Kacha! here and Kacha! Back. They two downs. Then I uses my right thumb to touch me nose a bit with the left hand flipping ask them to come. Then, this time four is come! This time too many to Kacha, so i just Kachaaaaaa! them off. They all be downs. Then the rest is histories, they is be runs away. All of them. So left be me and me, I mean the ahbeng who look like me, but I is be handsomer than him. He is be hurt here and there. Though I is not know him, I is carry him to homes and cure him. I is not go hospital because I is not want peoples asks many questions... To bes continues.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Is easy to invading Malaysia

We are in combat times, you is see U Ass A invades Muslim country here and there. You is must remember we is although not Muslim country, but many of peoples give misinformations we is Muslim country, and this is will be confusing the U Ass A who will be thinks we really is Muslim country. So is conclusively we will be invades by U Ass A soon or laters. Now, when other Muslim country is be invades, they is fight back! But if we is be invades, we is cannot fights back, because, our jet fighter aeroplanes is got no engines! Because is all stolen and selling as second parts for a few buggers to making money. How to fights? Surrender and becomes their slaves of U Ass A better.Truth or not?!?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Last times when I young I like to listening JPOP! Ahbeng is like that one mah, don't understand Japanese but is still like JPOP. Reasons is because the singers is really cutes mah! Oh, sorry, not cutes, is kawaii!!!

But as I grows older I no more listens JPOP. But recentlys I is listening to JPOP again! I is listen to Ayumi older songs, is goods!!! She is also so kawaii! But that days my japanese friend say in
Japan people calls Ayumi is Cyborg! She is be call that because she is so much plastic surgery on her face, hahaha! I is likes also Miki Ohguro, her song La La La listen already also make me want to singing together.... La la, la la la, la la la, la la la!!!!

Malaysia interrogation techniques

Everyones, how is you be doing? I is backs finally! I long times no blogging because is busy with works and travellings, many things also is happens. Malaysia is becomes more and more weirds and chaotic. Some things really beh tahan. Like recentlys one young promising opposition guy is been called by MACC for interview. But they is interrogation him instead. They is use interrogation techniques like sleep deprivation on this poor guy. And then the next day people is discover this guy dead at the 5th floor of the building where he is gets interrogating. Who is the MACC thinks they are? They think they are Guantanamo Bay ar?

Friday, January 30, 2009

Malaysia Main-main-streams Media

Recently is another by-elections in another town in Malaysia, where is many people believing that is measurements of the popularity of the ruling party. It is closely watches by medias from other countries besides Malaysia Main-main-streams Media.

So before the by-election the Malaysia Main-main-streams Media is reporting that the people in the town all supports ruling party, nobody liking opposition, ruling party is goods for country, ruling party sure win and so ons.

But just before the by-elections, I is luckily in a neighbour country for project, and I watching TV there in the remote and tiny budget hotel rooms my client put me in. (I am watching TV and not going out to fun is because I is so poors, my company giving me so small allowance, so I stay in the hotel rooms and watch TV lor) so anyway the media from our neighbour also sends reporter to the town to reports! And the reporter interviews the peoples from the town, and what they saying is totally opposite from what our reports!!!

Got one man interviews say not he don't want give ruling party chance, but because he giving them too many chance already, so this time he is be voting opposition! And got one woman, say she no likes the way the ruling party play politics, so she is wanting to voting opposition!!! But she is be wanting only, she cannot really vote, because when she go to register, they is telling her according to the records, she is already dead!!! Wah piang!! Why our Malaysia Main-main-streams Media not reports that? They should make special report on the living dead in Malaysia, like the Night of the Living Dead, or the Dawn of the Dead, or I am Legend like that.

So I want to say, hey Malaysia Main-main-stream Media, please make proper reporting and stops main-main with us, okay?!?!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ahbeng are really be Mugen Power

Recently is a terrorist attacks in India, where is many civilian and foreigner dies. Now are high alerts there and many peoples is not dares to go India anymores. However I is got project there now, and I am going there! My other ahbengs friends saying I is crazy, got high alerts are still going. But so sads that no pretty ahlians telling me not to go, they is no cares I die or life. Anyway, I tells the ahbengs, what to do, my boss don't caring my life still wanting me to goes there regardless of dangers, he just wanting projects to finish and collects money.

Then I is realising, I is always going to dangers place for work, last time got SARS I going Hong Kong, got Birds Flu I going Vietnam, got Earthquake I going China, now got Terrorist I going India. And so fars no problems with me!! It be meaning me are really Mugen Power, hahaha!!

Only Tsunami that time I is at home, because that time is after Christmas, because I no travelling when Christmas times, because hotel and plane very expensive! I is very poors, you know...

Update :-
Wah...I hopes my boss is not gets a project in Gaza now... I better resigns...hahahha

Sunday, November 9, 2008


That days I is goes to one of the foods court in a big shopping malls. The casher is be a not chinese and not india ladies. I is be orderes a cup of ice milo and I don't want ice. Then the ladies is be take ice a little bits and put the milo into the cup in fronts of me. I is quickest stop her and tell her I is not want ice. Then she stop quickler. Then she is try to take out the ice with a spoons. But because the milo is fewest, so she cannot take out. She is be so smarts and add more milos intot he cup and let the ice to comes up, and then she is be take outs the ices!! She is be so smarts! I is so impresses. I is so thought, she is not be a casher there, she is supposes be a roket saintease or a feesicktion is be betterest. kaka.